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Coating and Lamination Machines

Coating and Lamination  Machines

MARIO CROSTA GROUP, has been designing and manufacturing coating and laminating machines and complete range for over 25 years.

Mario Crosta can offer complete range of coating and Laminating machines from flame laminators to knife coating machines to apply hot melt adhesives for textile and automotive industry.

Flame lamination has advantages such as relatively high production speed, the possibility of laminating materials on both sides of the foam on one run and also the working parameters can be easily adjusted.

Flame Lamination:

  1. By using Flame lamination there is no need to use any additional adhesives since the adhesive is provided by PU Foam when it is flamed.
  2. Special air-gas mixing system, with flowmixer which guarantees an extremely easy regulation of  the flame power
  3. Perfect Uniformity of flame across the whole width.
  4. Perforated big drum vacuums the fumes remained in the laminated material which ensures clean environment.
  5. Laminates obtained with Mario Crosta Laminator are of very high quality.

Materials bonded by Flame lamination can be used in following fields:


Hot Melt:

There is need for flame lamination methods to be more environmental friendly referring to noxious emissions to the atmosphere.

These, together with the trend for gradual replacement of urethane foams with polyester fibre non-woven, have brought Mario Crosta Group to develop an hotmelt lamination machine.

Hotmelt lamination process has proved to be the most suitable technology to replace flame lamination atleast in those fields where bulk production is required, such as the automotive industry.

Hotmelt coating/laminating is an extremely versatile technology which allows to process wide range of substrates like foams,woven fabrics, non wovens, knitted fabrics, paper tec.

  • It uses adhesives in granules.
  • The production speeds are quite high
  • It does not require any oven to be installed and thus saving space.

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